Going a bit batty!

Bats are one of our most interesting and elusive mammals in Scotland. And they’ve just started to emerge from hibernation. They are one of the only mammals to hibernate here – the dormouse and the hedgehog being the others. If you’re out walking the dog or coming home at dusk, the chances are there are bats overhead, flitting around streetlights

Looking out for Bluebells

(c) Katrina Martin/2020 Vision    ‘There is a silent eloquence In every wild bluebell’ – Anne Brontë As we begin to see the bluebell carpets rolling out, this quote certainly rings true. I want to take this time to highlight the importance of protecting these beautiful flowers. Throughout the blog, I will be referring to the ‘common bluebell’ but that

A helping hand for bees

Spring is beginning to awaken and last week our Project Officer spotted her first tree bumblebee of the year. As you can imagine, the bee was a bit sluggish after a long winter sleep. The bee would have been seeking food and heat. The risk is that this mild period of winter could be a false start for many of

The benefits of a scruffy garden

I glanced out of my sitting room window, where I was working at my laptop, yesterday morning, and caught a streak of lipstick pink as it flashed down towards the plants beneath the sill. Sitting up for a better view, I saw it was a male bullfinch, smart as new paint, rosy chest, coal-black cap and face, grey back and

Love dust in the air?

This week the greenspaces around the town have purred with insects feeding on the wildflowers brought out by the recent warm weather. Bumblebees, hoverflies, craneflies, day-flying moths, they all seemed drunk with the perfume that the bluebells, violets, hawthorn and the rest were pumping out to attract them. On one walk recently I saw a single, male, green-veined white butterfly

A vital lesson

  By Paul Barclay, Cumbernauld Living Landscape Health and Wellbeing Project Officer This week is Green Health Week and people all over the UK are taking the opportunity to highlight just how vital spending time in nature is to everyone’s health and wellbeing. The last few years have really emphasised this. For many of us, stuck at home, that daily

A fond farewell to Cumbernauld Living Landscape!

Rozelle McMillan, Previous CLL Trainee  It was an honour to be a Trainee at Cumbernauld Living Landscape and I have met wonderful people and learned so many skills. I have had the pleasure to work with all the workstreams on the project. Nature Ninjas and Wild Ways Well have taught me many practical skills such as fires, Kelly kettles and

What a re-leaf it’s finally spring!

I always breathe a sigh of relief once we reach the Spring Equinox. After months of darkness, day and night are finally equal and it feels good knowing that the evenings will continue to draw out until the Summer Solstice in June. One of the best things about working outdoors is getting to experience the seasonal transitions in all their