
What's the #LivingWindow project about?

Last week saw the launch of our #LivingWindow project in Cumbernauld town centre. The Cumbernauld Living Landscape commissioned three artists to work with community groups to create temporary art works that are now displayed in empty shop windows throughout the Antonine Centre and the Cumbernauld Centre.

Over the summer, I have been out with eight community groups visiting six fantastic sites in the town to find out why they are such special places. The enthusiasm for this project has been great and there has been a real buzz about Cumbernauld. The three artists have been working closely with the groups and we have been out and about building our very own artworks using nature as a canvas.

Child with flowers (c) Carbrain and Hillcrest Play Scheme
Nature at my fingertips – one of the participants in our Langriggs workshop. Image: Carbrain and Hillcrest Play Scheme

It has been a very busy summer and we have been lucky enough to explore the following places with a diverse range of people:

What's even better is that this is just the tip of the iceberg for fascinating places to visit – so go on, why not head out and explore the greener side of Cumbernauld today!

Tracy Lambert works for The Conservation Volunteers and is the Community Engagement Officer for Cumbernauld Living Landscape. She works with communities across the town to inspire people to care for their local environment. If you would like to find out more, contact Tracy at tlambert@scottishwildifetrust.org.uk

Explore our #LivingWindow locations


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