Creating Natural Connections update

Well, hello my lovelies it feels like an age since I last wrote a blog, so I thought it a fitting time to give you an update on how things are progressing with the application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for our Creating Natural Connections project.
After all the very useful consultations with local people and groups, Ian and I have been squirrelled away working incredibly hard to make sure the application is the strongest possible bid to allow us to work with you in future years. We are aiming to create a positive change that means something to you and our environment.
I must thank each and everyone of you who helped us shape the project with your comments, likes and open opinions, you tested our ideas and told us where we were going right and wrong, your comments have really enlightened us to the issues that affect you.
While we would not be able to achieve all the projects that have been suggested, we’ve think we have come up with a suite of improvements to Cumberland’s wild places that will benefit the whole of the town, tied nicely with a programme of projects and events that will connect people with nature.
This new project will expand greatly on the award winning Engaging Communities project. We are aiming to work with with young people in education, people at risk from poor health and well being, and both community groups and individuals who want to make a difference but maybe don’t know how to go about it.
We will submit the application tomorrow and hear by the end of the year if we are successful with the bid. If we are successful it will be great to get back to delivering great events and spending time out in Cumbernauld’s fantastic green spaces. Until then, I guess I’m asking you to keep your fingers crossed for us!