A wizard in the woods! c Felipe Bustos Sierra

If you are in the Abronhill area this Saturday come and help us celebrate the Cumbernauld Green Route between Abronhill, Kildrum, Carbrain and the town centre. Cumbernauld Living Landscape has commissioned the amazing Rowanbank Environmental Arts and Education team to bring some very special magic to this great new route on Saturday 11 September, from 11.15-12.15, and from 14.00 – 15.00.

The event will start from outside Abronhill Primary School, 179 Medlar Rd, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G67 3AJ. This is a residential area so if possible we would encourage you to walk or cycle to the event. There is public parking at the Tryst Leisure Centre Tryst Rd, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G67 1EW, from where you can enjoy a walk/cycle along the Green Route to the event (approx. 1.3 miles).
This outdoor performance troupe will entertain us with a combination of storytelling, stiltwalking, music, aerialists and more, all set in the woodlands and greenspaces along the route as a walking theatre. The event, aimed at a family audience, will be a perfect way to celebrate the work that has been achieved along the path, which includes improved paths, creating natural play areas with boulders, and tree trunks for children to explore, newly planted trees, wildflower meadow areas, and benches along the route to allow folk to enjoy being in the outdoors, or watch their children at play.
The project was led by Green Action Trust, with the generous support of the SUSTRANS Community Links Fund, Green Action Trust, North Lanarkshire Council, Glasgow and Clyde Valley Green Network and the Scottish Wildlife Trust.
Please note the event will go ahead subject to weather conditions, and may be cancelled if there is heavy rain or high winds on the day.

Event Start

Event End