Have your say on our future

What a hectic and amazing few weeks we’ve had! As you will have seen last week we won the acclaimed Youth and Education at the Nature of Scotland Awards ceremony. For me that was a huge slab of icing on the cake for the end of our Engaging Communities project – locally known as Natural Connections.
So, what’s next for Cumbernauld Living Landscape? Well it has all been going on behind the scene here at the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s office in Cumbernauld. We’ve secured the initial funding to develop a new four-year project and my role has changed from community engagement, to the community development. But what does that mean?
Well, firstly there’s lots of meetings! There are a huge number of people and organisations who want to work with us to make better connections between people and wildlife. This is fantastic for the Cumbernauld community and for us.
Next up, we want to talk to you. We need to speak to as many people as possible to find out what would encourage you to go out and use Cumbernauld’s parks, woods and other wild places more often.
Are there areas that need attention now? What does your neighbourhood need? Can we meet that need with the funding we have, or is there another avenue of funding we could apply for together to make a greater impact?
We won’t know unless you tell us, so to find out some of the answers to our questions we’re organising a number of drop in events around the town starting in January. Full details will be on the Cumbernauld Living Landscape website soon – I looking forward to hearing from you all!