Merry Christmas and all the best for 2025!
How on earth did it get to December all ready?
While we have been furiously typing up the project plan for the Nurturing Natural Connections Project due to be submitted for the end of February eeek! We have just realised that we finish up today until January :O – I certainly don’t feel prepared for a two week period of leave, but on to the important stuff…
David and I would like to take this time to sincerely thank everyone involved with our meetings, sessions and consultations over the year that have helped to shape the Project Plan and activities that we are currently writing up. Projects such as ours would not be possible without the vast amount of people and partners in the background supporting us, individuals and communities informing us and organisations sharing with us, their thoughts and aspirations, of their part with the project over the next 5 years. I feel humbled and honoured to be in a position to work alongside amazing people with shared goals and values.
Merry Christmas everyone and all the very best for 2025
Take care
Tracy, NNC Project Manager & David, NNC Development Officer