
I saw my first kingfisher last week! Paul and I were on a Path Grading course at Oatridge College run by Paths for All.  While we were learning how to measure and describe paths our instructor stopped dead in his tracks and whispered that there was a kingfisher on the wee bridge to our left. I could hardly contain my excitement. I felt like a teenager again desperate to see this amazing bird, that I had heard looked like a blue jewel shimmering in the sun.

© Jon Hawkins, Surrey Photography

I couldn’t believe its vivid colours. I was struck by its brilliant blue wings shining like the facets of an intense topaz, then I saw the flash of burning copper, shimmering gold and strong oranges on the breast and thought how cleverly it mimicked the sky and the sun. It was a much bigger bird than I had originally imagined, and I am now desperate to see one here in Cumbernauld.


I have seen photographs of kingfishers taken at Mosswater Local Nature Reserve and have heard that they can be seen on the Luggie Water too so I can’t wait to get out and go looking. While writing up our description of the path we surveyed we felt it was only fitting that we gave it the name ‘Kingfisher Trail’ in honour of such an incredibly beautiful bird and a fitting memento to remember it by.


If you’ve been inspired by wildlife in Cumbernauld you can share your photographs on the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Facebook page. 

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