
The longest day of the year has been and gone. For many, the summer solstice marks a chance to revel in the never ending light, and look forward to the warm months to come.

That’s one way to look at it. For others like myself, who experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the solstice is often a grim day of the year. It’s the start of the long slow wind down into the dark days of winter.

Every day from now on will be just a little shorter than the last, and each lost minute of daylight feels like a hammer blow. If that sounds like a depressing, counterproductive and negative way to look at things, that’s because it is!

Many mental health issues work this way, your own mind sabotaging you in your efforts to stay positive. The countdown to autumn and winter is a natural one, and the cycle of the seasons vital to our environment. It’s important to remember even though the days may be getting shorter there’s still plenty of light and life left in the year.

Getting outdoors into the parks, woods and meadows of Cumbernauld and enjoying the sunlight is one of the best things you can do to counter seasonal blues. You can join one of Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s groups or events or just pack some water, some sunscreen (and a raincoat!), and head out to explore the nature on your doorstep.

Paul Barclay, Natural Networks Officer, Cumbernauld Living Landscape 

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