
This Sunday 20th November 12 noon – 2pm the Cumbernauld Wildlife Watch club for children aged 7-12 years, who love the outdoors and nature, will be creating Christmas crafts to raise funds for the group to help them with equipment.  These crafts will be on display and available to pick up for a  donation, on Saturday the 10th of December from 12 noon – 4pm at the Palacerigg Country Parks annual Winterfest Event.  This is a fun event for families with Santa, craft stalls and other activities.

The Wildlife Watch leaders have been coming up with all sorts of ideas for the group from bird feeders, to Christmas decorations for the tree and it will be exciting to see what they come up with.  If you have children who would be interested in crafts, exploring nature and the great outdoors why not try a session.  To show your interest or ask a question email the Wildlife Watch leaders on Cumbernauldwildlifewatch@scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk

The Wildlife Watch group meet on the third Sunday of every month from 12 noon – 2pm at the longhouse behind the visitor centre.  The children examine the wonders of nature through fun activities such as pond dipping, wildlife ID, tracking, games, bushcrafts and arts and crafts to name but a few.  Reconnecting children with nature helps to spark imagination, expands their minds and promotes good health and well-being, it also give the parents a few hours off ;) why not give it a try?


Tracy Lambert is the Community Engagement Officer for the Natural Connections project. If you would like to get involved contact Tracy via email or visit our Facebook page. 

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