
Getting into the spirit of Spring

Spring has officially sprung, though it would be nice if someone would mention that to whoever controls the thermostat – it’s still chilly out there!

No matter the cold though there is no time for life to stop. We may not have any polar bear cubs in Cumbernauld but new born badger cubs will be exploring their underground homes, they probably haven’t been brave enough to come outside yet though, that will wait on the warmer weather to come.

The Wild Ways Well group went badger tracking last week and found lots of signs of badger activity and feeding in the woodlands. We also spotted a bullfinch looking incredible in its bright pink breeding colours. Many of our local birds are looking especially smart just now, they’ve spent the last few weeks moulting and growing fresh, bright colourful feathers to make sure they look at their best for the breeding season.

Now that the birds are actively building their nests it’s time for us humans to play our part in helping them raise the next generation. If the weather is kind enough for you to fancy a spring clean in your garden, please remember to be very careful and check for nesting birds before you cut back any hedges or trees.

Birds aren’t the only ones thinking about eggs at this time of year, the Easter Bunny is also hard at work and many people will be looking forward to a sweet surprise this coming weekend.

To tempt you outdoors and away from your chocolate Palacerigg Country Park is running its annual Spring Fling event on Sunday 1 and Monday 2 April. Cumbernauld Living Landscape will be there on both days from 11am til 4pm, come over and say ‘hi’ and take part in our Easter themed activities.

Paul Barclay, Community Network Officer

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Paul Barclay