
With the office quiet over Christmas, I decided to take off to a warm and sunny island in the Atlantic for a wee holiday. Whilst it was a bit of a shock to come home to snow, the beautiful crisp countryside and a chance sighting of a deer at the back of my fence made me glad to be back – I had missed Scotland’s wildlife!

I know snow isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but with snow on the ground the tracks of animals that move under the cover of darkness can be easily seen.  Looking for paw tracks is a great activity to do with children as it helps them to learn about their local wildlife and it’s a great way to get some fresh air and exercise.

Pine marten tracks

Even in the chill of winter we have a wealth of wildlife around us. My bird feeder is cocked full of wee birds making the most of an easy feed at a time when they really need it, and the mice under my neighbours shed can be often be seen scurrying out for a quick nibble on a seed or two before returning back to their cosy homes. We’d love to hear what’s visiting your garden at the moment, so why not drop us a message on our Facebook – Cumbernauld Living Landscape.

Tracy Lambert