Beech cleans in Cumbernauld?

I bet you thought I spelt the title for this week’s blog wrong. Fear not, I haven’t not lost my dictionary.
There has been a recent upsurge in beach cleans happening around the globe due to our increasing understanding of the damage that plastics are doing to wildlife. While this is great, surely it’s better to tackle the problem at source?
Even though we’re a good few miles away from the coast in Cumbernauld we have our own beeches, trees. It’s important to keep our local woodlands and parks clean, and not just because some of the litter in these places may be destined for the ocean.

Wood it not be better to either take your litter home and recycle it where possible or place it in a bin if the site you are on has one? How hard is it, fir goodness sake?
Our next volunteer day is going to be a big litter pick in a local woodland that needs spruced up, the job might be a bit of a birch but that won’t stop our dedicated volunteers.

We will be meeting at Hat-trix on Sunday 4 March from 12pm to 4pm, you can find out more about this and our other events on the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Facebook page.