Happy International Day of the Forest!
Way back in 2012 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to observe 21 March as the International Day of Forests every year.

Their aim was to raise awareness of the role and importance of forests around the world. 1.6 billion people depend directly on forests for food and shelter, and the other 6 billion of us are pretty much dependent on the services that forests provide too. Many of these services are vital things that we take for granted like the air we breathe.
Believe it or not one third of the Earth’s land mass is covered in forests that are incredibly diverse. Forests are home to an incredible 80% of the species of plants and animals found on the planet’s surface.
Sadly, these global forests are under attack. 13 million hectares (that’s 13 million international sized football pitches) are destroyed every year. This deforestation s one of the biggest sources of the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change.
Thinking globally makes me appreciate the benefits we receive from our woodlands even more. Cumbernauld is very lucky to have approximately 23% tree cover, which is almost double the UK average of 13%.
We’re hoping to build on this woodland legacy in our future project Creating Natural Connections. We’re aiming to plant more trees in the right places to help our wildlife and improve biodiversity.
One easy way you can help is to come along to one of our final consultations to give us your thoughts on the list of projects that have been suggested by experts on both habitats and access.
- Saturday 24 March 11 – 3pm, Cumbernauld Shopping Centre at bottom of escalators (outside Argos)
- Monday 26 March 12 – 8pm, Freedom City Church (next door to the Roller Rink)
You can find more information about these consultations on our Facebook page. Please come along, it will only take about 10 minutes of your time.
Thank you