
I’m always amazed by the fascinating range of people I meet in Cumbernauld. Last week, during the Living Landscape team’s first Wildlife Watch taster session, we had a great group join us and take part in a range of fun activities, from pooter and mask making to identifying lots of bugs and beasties.

Local kids learning how to make a pooter © Eileen Brown

What a surprise it was to meet one resident who happens to be an entomologist (someone who specialises in the study of insects). It made me appreciate what a rich community we live in and how nature can unite so many people from different walks of life.

This week we will be out again, this time in Knapdale; home of the Scottish Beaver Trial, and will bring back some fresh ideas for our next Wildlife Watch session on Thursday. If you would like to join us, the session will run from 1-3pm and will begin once more from the allotments car park in Cumbernauld Glen. Please do come along and share your wildlife stories with us…and be sure to bring your welly boots!

Making an owl mask in Cumbernauld Glen © Eileen Brown


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