We want your views!

The Scottish Wildlife Trust is inviting comments from stakeholders, local people and organisations on the proposed new Long-Term Forest Plan for its Cumbernauld Reserves.
The document below explains what a Forest plan is, how and why the Trust manages its reserves here as it does, and what plans it has for management over the next twenty years. The maps at the end of the document show what opportunities and constraints there may be, and what practical management work is proposed.
These are the plans on which it would like your comments. Please get in touch and let us know what you think of this plan to protect, enhance and expand native woodland across the Trust’s reserves in Cumbernauld.
Please e-mail us at CumbernauldLL@scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk, putting Long-Term Forest Plan in the subject line. If your comments relate to a specific reserve, please add the name of the reserve as well. The deadline for comments is 22 December 2021.
Cumbernauld Greenspaces Long Term Forest Plan Consultation