A frosty walk among the Hawthorns!
Our guest blogger Josh has found some cool Hawthorns this week:
“During a frosty walk at the weekend I stumbled across this tree lauded with berries. Upon research I believe it to be a hawthorn tree. These are very common everywhere in the UK and Ireland. Hawthorn is said to be one of the most magical trees. Interestingly, hawthorns can be used as barriers to contain livestock. They also provide food and shelter for many animals. Hawthorn berries are safe to eat (as far as I know) and are used as a condiment. What was most unusual for me was, seeing fruit survive during these freezing temperatures. By the end of my walk Jack Frost was most definitely nipping at my toes. These berries are used in medicines. The tough wood can only be used for furnishings, engraving, carpentry, boxes etc. An old Scots saying “Ne’er cast a cloot til May’s out” , means not to take off any clothes until these hawthorns are in full bloom, however in parts of Scotland these flowers can be in full bloom until June. ”