Celebrating Living Landscapes at Gardening Scotland
Last weekend Cumbernauld Living Landscape along with the Edinburgh and Coigach-Assynt Living Landscapes had the pleasure of hosting several stalls at Gardening Scotland at the Ingliston Royal Highland Centre. We were situated in the Living Garden exhibit alongside the wonderful One Planet Picnic Pocket Gardens designed and built by Eco School students throughout Scotland.
We brought along our famous ‘Yick Factor’ mammal scat identification game which both children and adults alike really enjoyed! The game allows people to use all their senses to identify artificial mammal scat so that they can then ID any they find while out in the wild.

Our aim of widening the pool of people who know about these projects was definitely fulfilled as we managed to talk to about 800 people over the three days!

Many were surprised to find out that Pine Martins have been seen in the Cumbernauld area in the last four years considering the population was driven to a small area in the northwest of Scotland by human persecution. Unfortunately Milish the Pine Marten couldn’t make it out with us as she was busy with her #30DaysWild challenge.