
Sometimes projects can take a few years to plan.  Planning for our current project at Ravenswood Local Nature Reserve began way back in 2014 and was the original basis of The Conservation Volunteer Community Engagement trainee-ship post.  However things happen, groups disband, ideas sometimes get put on hold and other priorities come to the fore, but these ideas are never quashed.

It’s taken a while but I am very happy to report that works to improve the Ravenswood LNR entrance began with a fury last week.  Cumbernauld Living Landscape contracted The Conservation Volunteers Scotland to create an outdoor classroom for local schools and nurseries.  We decided that it would be great to have local community input too – after all it is your reserve folks!

Young artist in the making

Wildlife Watch groups were held on Tuesday and Thursday morning to show the children and parents what was afoot and to get them involved.  The children enjoyed a mixture of games and conservation tasks that they will be able to say “I did that!” in later years.  Cumbernauld residents also came out to help with painting of posts and shovelling of gravel and I have to say a huge thank you to each and every one of the volunteers.  Without your help this would have been a much bigger job carried out with a lot less fun and investment in place. 



Phase 1 Clear, level and build up classroom – Complete

Phase 2 Building of quite possibly the worlds longest bug hotel began on the 13th of April and will continue until June 

Phase 3 Planting of Hedging at back of bug hotel begins June – July

Outdoor class room shaping up



Phase 1 Woodchip removed from old path and replaced with gravel area to be covered with whin dust once planting is complete – Ongoing

Phase 2 Yellow flag iris removed as area drying out replanted in more suitable sites in reserve – Complete

              Garden escapes removed together with invasive New Zealand flatworm and destroyed – Complete

              Planting of over 700 mature native wildflower plants – Complete

Phase 3 Raised bed area painted, planted and pond added – Complete

              Area in front of raised bed cleared in preparation of art works by local children – TBC

Phase 4 Remaining half of butterfly garden to be checked for species composition.  We may have a rare plant here and we want to double check once in flower – we will not be doing anything to this area until checked.

Raised planted area, upgraded path – yet to be completed and native wildflower planting



Entrance posts painted, litter picked and over grown vegetation cut back to provide bird nesting areas


As we are volunteer based the tasks will take some time, Cumbernauld Living Landscape would like to thank the local residents for their interest and patience while we carry out works.  

Tracy Lambert is the Community Engagement Officer for the Natural Connections project. If you would like to get involved contact Tracy via email or visit our Facebook page.

Cumbernauld LL