Trees are amazing!
Local resident and Cumbernauld Living Landscape volunteer Josh Chambers was out investigating trees recently.
‘There are tons of species of trees – about 60,000+ I think. Apparently there are over 18 million live trees in Scotland. Scotland’s most common native trees are Scots pine, birch, oak, hazel, willow, rowan, hawthorn, juniper, elder, alder and wild cherry. My grandad use to get flowers from elder trees and make elderflower wine and also elder berries to make elderberry wine.
It’s amazing how these trees have so many uses and applications to our everyday lives. Trees provide us all with shelter, fuel, oxygen, food, paper, medicines, wine, and are obviously beautiful. From a young age I have always loved climbing trees, as I’m sure most people have. I would often give my mum the fright of her life as I tried to reach the top. I think it’s a shame that due to fewer and fewer children having nature as their source of entertainment, they are losing out on one of life’s truly great experiences – enjoying nature on a sunny day with some friends. It still amazes me that my playground is a home to so many birds, insects and small mammals. They truly are amazing.’
If you are interested in finding out more about our local trees why not download the Woodland Trust’s tree identification guide and see how many species you can find in the local area? There’s an app too if you have a smartphone. You can find them both at .