The toast of Cumbernauld

Did you know that today is National Toast Day? You might be wondering where Cumbernauld Living Landscape stands on the great debates about whether to cut toast horizontally, diagonally or not at all, or if a dropped slice of toast will always land butter side down.
But surely the most important issue is how do we make sure we can all enjoy this great day safely? After all, at 135 calories for a single slice of toast and jam, you’ll want a way get active afterwards.
Luckily, Cumbernauld Living Landscape does have the answer to this one. Get outside! Walking is one of the best exercises you can do, you can do it at your own pace to suit your own activity levels, and it’s pretty much cost free.
Combining your walk with a visit to one of Cumbernauld’s many parks or woodlands will also give you the ‘dose of nature’ that is being increasingly recognised as vital to our physical and mental health.
You can take this even further. People taking part in one of our Wild Ways Well sessions generally cover about 8,000 steps, and a session with the Nature Ninjas, our Sunday volunteers, involves even more than that!
Coming out on our sessions is a positive step you can take to improve your physical and mental health and help nature at the same time. The fact that the exercise will help you burn off that extra slice of toast is surely only a bonus.
Find out more about Wild Ways Well