Wild Ways Well 2018
Have you broken any New Year’s resolutions yet? We’re barely into the first week of 2018 and I’ve broken most of mine, which generally focus around eating less chocolate and bacon rolls. Why do I set myself such impossible goals?
Time markers can be stressful events for many people. For those of us with depression they can be used as convenient sticks to beat ourselves with – blaming ourselves for not having achieved enough over the previous year being a common theme. Resolutions can be dangerous things, setting impossible goals that we cannot accomplish is not good for our mental wellbeing.
But there is one resolution we could all make, and that most of us could achieve. Get outside more! Spending time outdoors, among nature, is proven to make people feel better about their lives.

Cumbernauld Living Landscape can help with this. We’ll be running our Wild Ways Well sessions every Thursday afternoon throughout 2018. We’ll go for a leisurely walk through one of Cumbernauld’s wildlife reserves, learning about nature and conservation as we go. We’ll stop to brew a hot drink over a fire and then have a go at some natural tasks and challenges such as wildlife skills, forest skills, photography or art.
It’s an opportunity to try something new, learn new skills and meet new people. Sessions are free of charge and open to anyone who feels they might benefit.
If you are interested get in touch with me at pbarclay@scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk or check out the Cumbernauld Living Landscape website and Facebook pages.