We’re working with North Lanarkshire Council to create a series of ‘Nectar Networks’ across Cumbernauld.

Nectar Networks are managed areas of naturalised grassland, often featuring native wildflowers. They are wildlife havens, creating vital habitat for a great variety of bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. They can also develop into beautiful landscape features, especially when in full bloom.

In these carefully managed areas the grass is cut less often, allowing the natural grassland habitat to thrive. In some places more native grass and wildflower species are being planted to boost the area’s biodiversity.


Nectar Networks projects are part of our Improving Habitats and Access work.


Cumbernauld Community Park

We have created a meadow of wildflowers and naturalised grassland at Cumbernauld Community Park, as part of a project to increase both biodiversity and community involvement in this local greenspace.




Field of long grasses and flowers including poppies
Wildlife havens: a mix of native grasses and wildflowers © Katrina Martin


Key contacts

Tracy Lambert
Project Manager

Related category


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Frequently Asked Questions

At least six locations covering 2 hectares are being chosen between 2019 and 2023. These are areas where the grass is not used for any particular recreational purpose and which are labour-intensive to maintain. For example, steep banks, under groups of trees, small areas that are fenced off and difficult to operate machines in and large, seldom used areas (sometimes referred to as ‘green deserts’).


Current Nectar Network sites
  • Ravenswood
  • St Maurice’s Pond
  • Cumbernauld Community Park
  • Green Rou



To wildlife

Nectar Networks create havens for urban wildlife, attracting bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects as well as mammals and birds. These areas are vital food sources for many of Cumbernauld’s native species.


To people

Native flowering species add colour to the town throughout the seasons. Where appropriate walkways are mown, allowing people to explore the Nectar Network and immerse themselves in nature.


To the planet

Less regular cutting slows rainwater run-off and locks up carbon in the soil, helping to prevent flooding and tackle climate change. By creating new homes for wildlife we are also helping combat the catastrophic decline in insect life that’s happening in Scotland and across the globe.

The Nectar Network is changing the appearance of some of Cumbernauld’s parks and greenspaces, but is designed to compliment the surrounding landscape.

Areas of naturalised grassland are often referred to as ‘wildflower meadows’ but many of our Nectar Network locations cover relatively small areas of land. Depending on what native species are planted, they may include colourful wildflowers at certain times of the year. Other areas are instead rich in native grasses.

It may save money as less time is spent cutting grass. However, the purpose of reducing grass cuts in the chosen areas is to benefit wildlife.

No. Each site will still be monitored by local grounds maintenance teams and litter will be dealt with as normal.

Ticks are often found in areas of long grass, particularly when deer are present, but only a small number of ticks carry Lyme disease. It’s sensible to check your skin— and your children’s and pet’s skin—after moving through long grass. You can also reduce the risk of tick bites by wearing long sleeves and trousers.

All sites should be maintained to current standards. Please keep reporting all litter or dog fouling complaints to your locality team to deal with as normal. Environmental wardens can issue fines to members of the public who drop litter, dump illegally and don’t pick-up after their dogs.

Wildflower quiz

Take our quiz to find out which native wildflower or grass species you identify with most!



Join in the Nectar Network

Help us make Cumbernauld the place to bee! If you can spare a few hours you could volunteer at one of our Nectar Network sites. You don’t need to know a lot about plants or insects and there are tasks to suit all abilities. Contact us to find out more about volunteering opportunities near you.

Why not create your own part of the Nectar Network in your garden or window box? Our friends at Edinburgh Living Landscape have collected some handy guides to get you started.


Tell us your thoughts

Have you seen an unusual plant or insect? Do you know a place that would make the perfect home for Cumbernauld’s pollinators? We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.


Contact us

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