Wasps… what are they good for?

It’s that time of year again. You might be enjoying a picnic, eating your lunch in the town centre, or relaxing with a cup of tea in the garden. Before long you’ll catch sight of the dreaded black and yellow stripes of a wasp coming to see what you’re up to. A question we’re often asked at this time of

Help wildlife the easy way

It’s summer time and our streets are alive with the sound of lawnmowers. But if you have a garden consider taking a closer look at your patch of green before you mow. This year I decided to do just that and left my first cut a little late– and was thrilled to find my lawn full of spotted orchids! There’s

Take a closer look

The spate of heavenly weather we have been having makes getting out for a walk all the more pleasant. Feeling the sun warm on your face and enjoying the tiniest of breezes is pure heaven! On a recent walk I thought I would see how many wildflowers I could spot, to give me a feel for what creating more meadows