Putting the Wild in Wild Ways Well

Wild Ways Well. What’s in a name? I’m sure everyone out there will agree that it positively trips off the tongue (you trying saying it a dozen times while giving a presentation and see how long it takes to get tongue tied!), but did we just pick the name because of the snazzy alliteration? Or is – as many people

Some Wild Ways Well firsts

It was a busy time for Wild Ways Well last week, with three sessions on the go, I can’t really call it hard work with a clean conscience though, it really just meant more chances to be outside! The first two groups spent their time down in the Glen, having a go at some forest skills and learning about the

Wild Ways Well in the snow

    A bit of a mixed time for Wild Ways Well over the last week with the weather playing its hand as the Beast from the East continued to make its presence felt. The Tuesday group had some training booked in where we were going to learn how to film our own nature based story, unfortunately the weather put

A little compassion – and lots of tea

Anti-depressants are good for you! That was pretty much the message that was being blared out by the newspaper headlines last week after the publication of a major new study into their use was published. The truth is – you won’t be surprised to hear – a little more complicated than that! The actual results of the meta-analysis conducted were

Wild Ways Well Returns

Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s Wild Ways Well project is back! Thanks to backing from the Green Infrastructure Fund and Transport Scotland we’ll be offering a brand new programme of walks and conservation activities, and of course the essential cup of tea brewed over an outdoor kettle, throughout 2018. Our free Thursday afternoon sessions are open to anyone who feels they might

Wild Ways Well 2018

Have you broken any New Year’s resolutions yet? We’re barely into the first week of 2018 and I’ve broken most of mine, which generally focus around eating less chocolate and bacon rolls. Why do I set myself such impossible goals? Time markers can be stressful events for many people. For those of us with depression they can be used as

Christmas comes just once a year

Christmas comes just once a year – but for those of us with anxiety or stress problems, that can be quite often enough! Decorating trees, buying gifts, preparing meals, visiting family and friends, bad weather, crowded streets… with all the pressure on our purses, family relations and waistbands, it’s no wonder that the festive period is regarded as one of