The Magic Hours

In the cold, dark winter it’s not always easy to get out for evening walks, although slowly but surely the days are lengthening. The sun now dips below the horizon at around half five compared to just half four a month ago, and it is just over four weeks now until the spring equinox when day and night are equal.

Go exploring

Although I’m not a local I’ve been working in Cumbernauld’s parks and wildlife reserves for several years now and I’ve come to know them pretty well. Imagine my surprise last week when I took a slightly different route from normal while I was out walking and came across somewhere completely new! At Cumbernauld Living Landscape one of our aims is

The woods are alive!

Do you ever take a wander through the woods and get that feeling in the back of your neck that you’re not alone… that you’re being watched? It sounds like the intro to a horror film, but the truth is you probably are! Luckily, the only creatures watching are likely to be foxes and deer, birds and insects. A group