Small is beautiful

  As we move from spring into summer it’s hard to keep up with all the flowers that are appearing around the town, especially in the woodlands, meadows and along the grassy margins of the paths. As the yellows of most of our spring flowers fade, they are being replaced by nearly every colour of the rainbow – blues, pinks,

How to help thirsty bees in your garden

It’s that time of year again, when the pollinators are out and buzzing around searching for food. In some cases, this is just food to eat but others, such as the humble bumblebee, are foraging to feed young in the nest. The constant flying for resources is exhausting! This weather we’ve been having – colds pouring rain one minute, then

Waste not want not

The Cumbernauld Living Landscape team recently joined up with an early learning group to build some raised beds.  The event brought together several families that all took part in different activities throughout the morning. We re-purposed two old pallets and some scrap wood to bring together three fantastic raised beds. People pulled apart the pallets, hammered out the rusted nails,

What’s happening in Carbrain Gully

  Our Nature Ninjas have been busy!  Over the past few weeks we have been installing various plug plants in sites across Cumbernauld.  The Ninjas have also laid down 50 metres squared of wildflower seeded earth. These works should bring a sea of colourful wildflowers in the years ahead. One site that has been a particular joy to perform these

Blue shade shoes?

Cumbernauld seems to be an island sitting in a sea of violetty-blue at the moment. Whichever direction you walk in the woods the bluebells are out. Surely one of our best-known and best-loved wildflowers, they signal the height of spring like nothing else, arriving with that other harbinger of the season, the cuckoo. It’s from this co-incidence that they get

Natural healing

    This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Unfortunately there is still real stigma, fear, and even shame surrounding mental health issues. There shouldn’t be. The past year has shown us that illness can strike anyone, anywhere – but it also showed the strength that lies within us to endure even in the darkest of times. One of the

Plug Planting Plans

It has been gorgeous weather these last few weeks in Cumbernauld.  Already we are seeing various pollinators bobbling about from plant to plant as wildflowers truly emerge. Recently in Cumbernauld Glen I spotted a comma!  It’s a delightful butterfly that can be quite elusive. This experience reminded me why our work with wildflower meadows is imperative.  Our volunteers have been

Our Brilliant Bogs

The Nature Ninjas have been swinging their mattocks down at Abronhill bog and Ravenswood bog, removing birch regeneration. Now you might be wondering why conservation volunteers are removing native trees but there is a very good reason for what we are doing. Trees dry out peat bogs by sucking the water out of the ground through their roots, Peatlands are

A boost to biodiversity in the Community Park

  If you visited Cumbernauld Community Park this week you might have noticed some changes. Cumbernauld Living Landscape is creating two meadow areas to give more food and homes to the wildlife that lives there. One of these meadows is particularly special because it will be sown with an oat and bird seed mix to hark back to the park’s

Birds, bees, buds, and bloom

      It’s spring! The bitterness of winter appears to be fading with fresh days that are gradually getting warmer. And we’re not the only ones to notice the longer days. Male birds are gearing up for breeding season, so have started showing off how loud and long their songs are, declaring their territory and hopefully wooing the females!