First Impressions

Two months ago, I became a Volunteer Officer for Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s Wild Ways Well Project. Having recently moved to the central belt from Galloway, I knew very little about Cumbernauld other than it was a built up New Town. So you can imagine my joy when I learned that 50% of the town centre is made up of green

Wild Ways Wildlife Detectives

The Wild Ways Wildlife Detective Agency was out in Seafar woods last week, inspecting the woods for signs of what other inhabitants might be sharing our space with us. No detective force on the planet can run without a brew though so we stopped first to get a cuppa on the go.  Just ask Scotland yard, all detective work is

Spring Fling

Spring has officially sprung, though it would be nice if someone would mention that to whoever controls the thermostat – it’s still chilly out there! No matter the cold though there is no time for life to stop. We may not have any polar bear cubs in Cumbernauld but new born badger cubs will be exploring their underground homes, they

Putting the Wild in Wild Ways Well

Wild Ways Well. What’s in a name? I’m sure everyone out there will agree that it positively trips off the tongue (you trying saying it a dozen times while giving a presentation and see how long it takes to get tongue tied!), but did we just pick the name because of the snazzy alliteration? Or is – as many people

Happy International Day of the Forest!

Way back in 2012 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to observe 21 March as the International Day of Forests every year. Their aim was to raise awareness of the role and importance of forests around the world. 1.6 billion people depend directly on forests for food and shelter, and the other 6 billion of us are pretty much

Some Wild Ways Well firsts

It was a busy time for Wild Ways Well last week, with three sessions on the go, I can’t really call it hard work with a clean conscience though, it really just meant more chances to be outside! The first two groups spent their time down in the Glen, having a go at some forest skills and learning about the

We invite you to see our unveiled plans

Over the past few months, Cumbernauld Living Landscape has been carrying out a lot of consultations about the towns green spaces and the community groups who use them.  Thank you to everyone who has taken part and helped us to understand your views about the local green spaces in the town. In the background expert consultants have been out looking at the

Wild Ways Well in the snow

    A bit of a mixed time for Wild Ways Well over the last week with the weather playing its hand as the Beast from the East continued to make its presence felt. The Tuesday group had some training booked in where we were going to learn how to film our own nature based story, unfortunately the weather put

How the beast from the east affects our wildlife

The “beast from the east” hit with a vengeance last week leaving huge amounts of snow and freezing temperatures in its wake. We were just starting to get the first reports of bumblebees and hedgehogs coming out of hibernation in the week leading up to it so for those individuals there are some hard days ahead. They will face a

Beech cleans in Cumbernauld?

I bet you thought I spelt the title for this week’s blog wrong. Fear not, I haven’t not lost my dictionary. There has been a recent upsurge in beach cleans happening around the globe due to our increasing understanding of the damage that plastics are doing to wildlife. While this is great, surely it’s better to tackle the problem at