Brilliant Bogs!

By Sue Walker, Living Landscapes Communications Officer Bogs have an image problem. Since the time when land started to be valued purely by how much food or money it could provide for people they’ve used phrases like ‘bogging’, ‘on the bog’ and ‘bogged down’ to mean worthless, unpleasant, holding you back. You can’t grow crops, or graze animals safely, or

Goodbye and Hello

Every traineeship must come to an end and the time has come for Creating Natural Connections Trainee, Katie to hand in her metaphorical badge and say goodbye. But this is not the end of her time with Cumbernauld Living Landscape. In fact it is just the beginning. Say hello to Senior Project Officer Katie Brown: For those of you who

We’re recruiting!

  We are looking for a new Cumbernauld Living Landscape Trainee. If you’re keen to get into nature conservation work, love working with people of all ages, and want to develop your skills and knowledge in the field this may be the job for you. This role will be focussed on the goals of the ‘Creating Natural Connections’ Project; improving

Leaving the nest

By Tracy Lambert, Cumbernauld Living Landscape Project Officer – Young People I’ve lived in this town for 42 years and for the last nine of those I have had the privilege of connecting my community with nature. However, that is all about to change, for me at least, but thankfully only as an employee. You see I am leaving Cumbernauld

The state of our woodlands

The State of the UK’s Woods and Trees 2021 report came out earlier this year. Now you may wonder what that has to do with us here in Cumbernauld? It was based on UK trees. We are only a small town with lots of woodland so we are ok – aren’t we? Well, no, we’re not really. The Cumbernauld Living

Why COP26 matters to Cumbernauld

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) is coming to Glasgow this November, with the goal of limiting global warming to less than 2?C above pre-industrial levels. Attended by politicians, experts and delegations from 197 countries, they aim to: Secure commitments to drastically limit emissions of greenhouse gases. Mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Mobilise finance to deliver these ambitious

To Bread or not to Bread: A Guide to Feeding Your Local Swans

St Maurice’s Pond is an excellent spot to see new life this summer. Lots of different birds are currently raising their young; mallards, tufted ducks, swans, coots, moorhens and many more. Feeding and watching waterfowl is a good wellbeing activity and is known to help with anxiety and depression. But how can we ensure we are feeding them the right

A yellow flood

Remember at the end of the winter, when the rain pelted down and we would find new puddles and pools had appeared overnight in the flooded fields and greenspaces around the town? Well now it is summer new pools have appeared – but instead of murky brown, this is a flood of brightest yellow. They are pools of meadow buttercups

Farewell Cumbernauld Living Landscape

I   Sadly I have come to the end of my role with Cumbernauld Living Landscape.  I have been running the volunteering and community engagement side of our project for a number of years now.  It has been incredibly rewarding to share my enthusiasm for nature with the communities of Cumbernauld. I would especially like to extend my thanks to

It mast be a good year for willow

Willow catkins at seed. c. Tracy Lambert/Cumbernauld Living Landscape. I must admit it has been a bit weird seeing snow in June in Cumbernauld.  Bet that got your attention! In essence that has been what the ground has looked like this summer, all covered with willow seeds.  The edges of the grass paths have looked as if they have been