Take a closer look

The spate of heavenly weather we have been having makes getting out for a walk all the more pleasant. Feeling the sun warm on your face and enjoying the tiniest of breezes is pure heaven! On a recent walk I thought I would see how many wildflowers I could spot, to give me a feel for what creating more meadows

Foxes and Cubs

Spring has now well and truly sprung and over at Cumbernauld Living Landscape we are savouring every moment of this blissful time of year. Our Wild Ways Well group has been accomplishing the ‘Take Notice’ part of the 5 Ways To Wellbeing by immersing themselves in the changing cycles of nature. Being mindful of the changes around us is a

Here be Badgers!

It was a mixed bag for the Wild Ways Well groups last week, the Tuesday group was forced indoors by the heavy rain and freezing conditions, while the Thursday group spent part of its session basking in the sunshine in a woodland clearing! Mother Nature likes keeping us guessing. Looking at my diary, last year at this time we were

Wild Ways Well Returns

Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s Wild Ways Well project is back! Thanks to backing from the Green Infrastructure Fund and Transport Scotland we’ll be offering a brand new programme of walks and conservation activities, and of course the essential cup of tea brewed over an outdoor kettle, throughout 2018. Our free Thursday afternoon sessions are open to anyone who feels they might