The Wild Ways Well Week

We had a bit of a surprise with the Open group this week, you may remember that last week we placed a camera trap on a badger sett in the hope of getting some film evidence of these awesome animals sharing our woodlands.  We checked the trap after a couple of days and were delighted to find that we had

The Wild Ways Well Week 23 April

The sun has finally decided to get it’s hat on and make an appearance this year and the Wild Ways Well groups were determined to make the best of it!  To be honest I should have had my own hat on as I got my head a tad sunburnt while out delivering some taster activities to a group of teachers

Nature Ninjas

The Nature Ninjas will be making an appearance at St Maurice’s Pond this coming Sunday 6th May. These intrepid volunteers can be found on the first Sunday of every month in reserves, and parks all over the town giving up their time, energy and skills for nature. Despite what Hollywood might tell you a Ninja comes in all shapes and

Cumbernauld students visit to Parliament

Last night Ian and I had the pleasure of attending the Scottish Environment LINK “Generation Earth: Celebrating Young Environmental Campaigners” event with 3 outstanding young people from Cumbernauld Academy. Mr Parker P.E. teacher had brought through a small group of students who have taken part in the ‘Engaging Communities‘  project which ended last year. The event was delivered to MSP’s,

Wild Ways Well the Movie?

Last week our group had a very different experience. Untypically, the Tuesday group started with a wee drive up to Palacerigg for a film training led by two researchers from the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen. Leaving behind the animals in the cold spring we headed towards the very inspiring long houses which mostly look like upside down Viking ship’s

A Gift to the Future

Here in the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Office we have a framed quote hanging on the wall, given to us by one of our volunteers, it reads “Societies grow great when old men plant trees under whose shade they will never sit”. It was a lovely gift and it’s something I reflect upon often when I consider the work we do.

Here be Badgers!

It was a mixed bag for the Wild Ways Well groups last week, the Tuesday group was forced indoors by the heavy rain and freezing conditions, while the Thursday group spent part of its session basking in the sunshine in a woodland clearing! Mother Nature likes keeping us guessing. Looking at my diary, last year at this time we were

Guest Blog – Chris Simpson from Informed Tree Services

Chris Simpson is the Managing Director of Informed Tree Services and does much of his work providing training in tree and woodland management within Cumbernauld. We invited Chris in for a Q&A about his work.     What does your job involve? I organise and deliver training courses, and assessments, for candidates looking to learn forestry and tree surgery skills.