A New Home for Our Little Yellow Friends

Everybody loves daffodils. Those yellow trumpets that herald the arrival of spring. I don’t think I could name a more cheerful plant. Their Latin name “Narcissus” is also the name of a Greek legend where a beautiful young man fell in love with his own reflection and stared for so long that he starved to death. Daffodils might also be

Love dust in the air?

This week the greenspaces around the town have purred with insects feeding on the wildflowers brought out by the recent warm weather. Bumblebees, hoverflies, craneflies, day-flying moths, they all seemed drunk with the perfume that the bluebells, violets, hawthorn and the rest were pumping out to attract them. On one walk recently I saw a single, male, green-veined white butterfly

A vital lesson

  By Paul Barclay, Cumbernauld Living Landscape Health and Wellbeing Project Officer This week is Green Health Week and people all over the UK are taking the opportunity to highlight just how vital spending time in nature is to everyone’s health and wellbeing. The last few years have really emphasised this. For many of us, stuck at home, that daily

Planting seeds for the future

The last few months have seen the Cumbernauld Living Landscape project engage and support a wonderful group of young people and leaders from the 20th Cumbernauld Girl Guide Group – keen to experience the joys of habitat creation first-hand. Wildflower Meadow Sowing event at Seafar Woods in March 2022: The 20th Cumbernauld Girl Guide Group – as well as some

A fond farewell to Cumbernauld Living Landscape!

Rozelle McMillan, Previous CLL Trainee  It was an honour to be a Trainee at Cumbernauld Living Landscape and I have met wonderful people and learned so many skills. I have had the pleasure to work with all the workstreams on the project. Nature Ninjas and Wild Ways Well have taught me many practical skills such as fires, Kelly kettles and

Spring Clean Success

Some of the litter cleared during our recent campaign. Picture (c) Cumbernauld Living Landscape The National Spring Clean campaign has just come to an end, uncovering a multitude of rubbish in Cumbernauld’s greenspaces. The scale and quantity of litter recovered could have not been achieved without the amazing hard work of our Cumbernauld Living Landscape volunteers. Since January the volunteers

Bee helpful, save our pollinators!

You know it’s spring when insects start to appear. I wasn’t too thrilled to be chased by a wasp the other week but I’ve enjoyed seeing their much friendlier cousin the bumblebee emerge from hibernation. The giant bees you see in early spring are queens. Once the temperature is warm enough, the queen will emerge from the hole in the

The empress of flowers!

All around the town, on the verges, next to the footpaths, on the playing fields, the fast-greening grass has been sprinkled with splashes of white and pink where daisies are taking advantage of the short time before the mowers come out in force. In some people’s eyes, of course, these are weeds, not wild flowers. Weeds because they’re everywhere, rather

I’ll miss Cumbernauld’s amazing people!

After a fantastic six months, I will soon be leaving Cumbernauld Living Landscape and wanted to take the chance to share some of my highlights from my time here. In my previous role at the Scottish Wildlife Trust, I had the privilege of helping with Cumbernauld Living Landscape projects and saw first-hand how fantastic they were for the local communities

Our beloved mammal needs our assistance!

Hedgehog numbers have halved since the millennium with rural areas being the worst affected. The spiny mammals are identified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List – which is the international list of all the species at risk of extinction. Luckily, hedgehogs have seen less of a decline in our towns and villages. Cumbernauld is a great location for our