Natural Connections – Autumn as a time of change

Autumn is my favourite season and I can say that with some confidence after the summer we had! With autumn now in full swing it is a time of many changes as wildlife and people alike are getting ready for the coming winter. It is, for me too, a time of great change as I start my new job as Cumbernauld Community Engagement Assistant.

Recruiting now!

In the past two years we have successfully partnered with the Conservation Volunteers to provide a paid training opportunity for someone that is passionate about wildlife and peoples wellbeing. So far we have a 100% record (2 out of 2!) of trainees going onto full time employment in the conservation/environmental sector. This is a great opportunity to gain experience and skills in two of Scotland’s leaning conservation charities. To apply go to the The Conservation Volunteers website or contact the Project Development Manager Ian Mackenzie if you have more questions.

Natural Connections – Looking for inspiration

I’ve been hit by a touch of writer’s block these last few weeks and I couldn’t work out why!  While out working on our Natural Connections project, I had a conversation with Justyna Pabisz our intern volunteer for the Cumbernauld Living Landscape, and she said “How do you think you are going to get inspiration sitting at your desk all the time, you haven’t been out of the office lately” You know what, she is right.  So I made a concerted effort to get out a wee half hour before I started work to go to a site and just enjoy it.

Natural Connections – What does nature do for me?

Considering how urban Cumbernauld is amazingly 50% of our town is green and probably just as well taking into account the volume of pollution from the vast number of vehicles on the M80 motorway. This is where our environment comes in or rather its Ecosystem services; these are services which are delivered unseen by our environment i.e. trees and fungi help to clean the air we breathe, look out for black splodges about the size of a 5p piece on the leaves of a sycamore tree.  These splodges are fungi which exchange polluted air for clean air. There are also multiple health benefits; we can reduce our blood pressure, muscle tension, stress and depression just by going out for regular walks in our local greenspaces.

Managing Bulgaria's natural assets against economic pressure: what can we learn?

I was recently given the opportunity to be part of an Erasmus+ programme to Bulgaria, to gain insight into how their natural assets are being managed in the face of economic pressure.  With our wonderful guide Velis, we were able to enjoy a jam-packed programme, meeting many local experts to discuss the compromises between economic growth and protecting nature.   The competing interests of nature conservation and tourism development within an economic recession echoes the challenges facing Scotland, so the exchange provided a mirror to reflect upon our practice back at home.

Natural Connections – Volunteer day at Ravenswood LNR

Ravenswood Local Nature Reserve is a cracking we jewel in Cumbernauld.  Over the past couple of weeks I have been taking organisations out on site visits to see how we can raise the awareness of the community and encourage them to use the spot. I have had many comments from the people in these organisations, remarking how wonderful a place it is and rightly so, Ravenswood LNR is a fabulous mosaic of habitats with a great range of wildlife.  It does have a problem though – Invasive Non-Native Species!

Natural Connections – Dragonflies, a sight to behold

It has felt like the last vestiges of summer have been trying their hardest to cling on and keep autumn at bay last week.  What beautiful weather we had!  All summer I have been concerned that the temperature was just too cold for our dragonflies to emerge but in the past 2 weeks thanks to the good weather we have seen a burst of activity from these incredibly beautiful creatures. Thankfully the larvae stage can remain in the water for a number of years, waiting for the perfect conditions in which to hatch, if you ever go out looking for them and you are lucky you might even find an exuvia, the empty larvae case of newly emerged dragonfly.