
It probably hasn’t escaped your notice that it’s hot outside! This weather has been a boon for Human sun-worshippers but it is a difficult time for wildlife. Just like the recent stories of how our train tracks and roads are struggling to cope with temperatures outside of Scotland’s normal range, so too are our native species. They’re adapted to live

Wild Ways Well 10/07/2018

It’s been a while since we had a Wild Ways Well update, so apologies for the lack of news.  Lack of news doesn’t mean lack of activity though – quite the reverse! We had a lovely day at the end of June in Ravenswood Local Nature Reserve when we were able to present our inaugural Wild Ways Well certificates and

Hope for the future

It seems to be all doom and gloom in the conservation world just now. Recently the news was full of tales of an ‘ecological Armageddon’ after a study found that flying insect numbers are down 76% over the last 25 years. Another study found grassland butterflies are down by 50% over the past two decades. Butterflies are a key indicator

Wild Ways Well Week 7th July

The Wild Ways Well Week We’re going to cover a couple of weeks in this exciting episode of the Wild Ways Well blog so please bear with me! We visited a few different places with the various groups, we’ve been down to Cumbernauld Glen sitting by the river and listening to the birds, over by Luggiebank exploring the paths and

Tourist’s paradise

  How far would you travel to go to the supermarket, or to take your kids to nursery?  For some residents of Cumbernauld it might be further than you think. Over the last few days anyone walking round Cumbernauld’s woodlands with an open ear may have noticed a change in the sounds around us.  The Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserve Manager

Foxes and Cubs

Spring has now well and truly sprung and over at Cumbernauld Living Landscape we are savouring every moment of this blissful time of year. Our Wild Ways Well group has been accomplishing the ‘Take Notice’ part of the 5 Ways To Wellbeing by immersing themselves in the changing cycles of nature. Being mindful of the changes around us is a

Nature Ninjas

The Nature Ninjas will be making an appearance at St Maurice’s Pond this coming Sunday 6th May. These intrepid volunteers can be found on the first Sunday of every month in reserves, and parks all over the town giving up their time, energy and skills for nature. Despite what Hollywood might tell you a Ninja comes in all shapes and

A Gift to the Future

Here in the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Office we have a framed quote hanging on the wall, given to us by one of our volunteers, it reads “Societies grow great when old men plant trees under whose shade they will never sit”. It was a lovely gift and it’s something I reflect upon often when I consider the work we do.