The work never stops for our Nature Ninjas

This weekend on Sunday 3 March Cumbernauld Living Landscape has a volunteer day from 12-4pm at Cumbernauld Glen reserve, as part of our Creating Natural Connections project. Our Nature Ninja volunteers have a number of tasks to do this year, such as trimming back the snowberry, removing grass and overgrown weeds, and clearing leaves off the path. Keeping the path

Why are we creating natural connections in Cumbernauld?

Many of you know that I have grown up in Cumbernauld. My family moved out here when I was only seven, and to me the open fields around Westfield were just heaven. I would walk for hours following butterflies and rabbits, exploring the old farm fields, hedgerows and woodlands. Things have changed in so many ways now. I am older

Beating the Winter Blues

It’s been a cold start to the year but that hasn’t stopped the Wild Ways Well group from getting out exploring Cumbernauld’s wildlife reserves. I suffer badly from Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as ‘the winter blues’. You might relate to an annual feeling of dread and depression during the dark days of winter. When it’s a struggle to get

Earlier signs of spring

When did you see your first snowdrop? The first Wild Ways Well group of the year was out in the middle of January and we were lucky to see them already! Apparently, the dingle-dangles didn’t use to flower before February during the 1950s and 1960s. This leads us to reflect about the climate changing around us. We hear about big

National Lottery support will help us create new connections

Cumbernauld Living Landscape has received a transformational grant of £1,375,000 from the National Heritage Lottery Fund for its new Creating Natural Connections initiative. This funding will deliver significant improvements to Cumbernauld’s environment over the next four years, and create a long-term change in the way the town’s people connect with nature. Thanks to support from players of the National Lottery

Funding boost for Creating Natural Connections

As you might recall we were on tenterhooks during December, waiting to hear about the funding from Heritage Lottery Fund for our new initiative, Creating Natural Connections. This is a very exciting four-year project that will lead to huge improvements to our green spaces and connect even more people to nature. It has been a tense couple of months and

Fresh signs of pine marten in Cumbernauld

Recently Nature Ninja volunteer Ann Innes captured video of a pine marten in a woodland in Cumbernauld, it looks wonderfully healthy and it may be a female looking for a safe space to den and have her young in spring. We’ll be watching out for signs of these very cute kits! It is safe to say that the pine marten

This is not the time to follow resolutions

A nature follower would tell you that the first of January is not a special day as it doesn’t follow a natural rhythm. Likewise, astrologers often advise to set intentions at the spring equinox when the energies are kick-starting again. We can set up New Year intentions if that makes us feel good, BUT we still do not have the

Cumbernauld Living Landscape is hiring

Cumbernauld Living Landscape has two exciting opportunities for a Project Manager and a Communications Officer to be part of the next phase of our award winning work. Famous for its 1950’s New Town design, Cumbernauld is home to 52,000 people and a surprising diversity of wildlife. Natural heritage is one of the town’s greatest assets, with woodland, parks and open

Why robins are not just for Christmas

As I was recycling this year’s batch of lovely Christmas cards I started to wonder why so many of them have robins on them. Is it because my friends know I have a soft spot for wildlife or were they just on sale? What did robins have to do with Christmas anyway? After bit of research, I found it all