New Year, New You

  What were you doing at the bells? If you’re anything like me you will have course have been sitting in furious concentration studying a year planner, mapping out your route through 2019.  And in order to have as successful a year as possible you’ll also have been planning your resolutions, all the ways you’re going to make 2019 the

Winter words from Wild Ways Well

I can’t help it. I always find beauty in nature, or rather it finds me! What has been soul-lifting these last weeks have been the skies! They were well worth stepping out of the path and away from the skyscrapers: dramatic and full of contrasts, from the darkest of the darker shades intermingled with different and lighter shades of greys,

‘Tis the season to be jolly?

‘Tis the Season to be jolly? for 19 December 2018 Paul Barclay, Community Networks Officer, Cumbernauld Living Landscape At this time of year the message that’s beamed into our homes and bombards us from every advertising channel is to smile, laugh, and be happy. But it’s often not that easy. For many people Christmas can be a tough time. The

Investing in young people, today

Word has been going around the campfire about the great work Cumbernauld Living Landscape has been doing with young people of the town. So much so that we were invited to an event called Investing in Young People; Investing in our Environment by the Central Scotland Green Network Trust. I invited the Achieve students from Greenfaulds High School to come along

Taking time to breathe – how grounding can help combat anxiety

While we are waiting to hear whether Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s planned new project has received funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, I have been visiting high schools to maintain and build relationships to allow a smooth transition for the new project. Each week I test new ideas which we plan to use in future workshops, and each week I have

Autumn is a time of change for everyone

You might not think that you are in tune with the seasons, but I wonder if you are finding it harder to get out of bed in recent weeks? Autumn is a time of withdrawal and of waning energy. As the light wanes there is no point for trees to grow any leaves and they wisely part with what they

Get Girls Out

Studies show that women spend less time physically active outdoors than men and that this difference begins when women are teenagers. This difference is down to a variety of reasons from worries about hygiene, societal pressures and gender stereotyping to fear of crime and lack of opportunity. This is a situation that everyone would like to see change. Getting active

The gully’s on Google

Thanks to the efforts of a local volunteer Cabrain gully can now be explored in Google Maps. Until recently many of the footpaths in Cumbernauld have not been visible on any of the online mapping websites. This means that it looks like there is nowhere to walk and you have to drive everywhere. Anyone who has spent at least 5