The Wild Ways Well Week 23 April

The sun has finally decided to get it’s hat on and make an appearance this year and the Wild Ways Well groups were determined to make the best of it!  To be honest I should have had my own hat on as I got my head a tad sunburnt while out delivering some taster activities to a group of teachers

Wild Ways Well the Movie?

Last week our group had a very different experience. Untypically, the Tuesday group started with a wee drive up to Palacerigg for a film training led by two researchers from the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen. Leaving behind the animals in the cold spring we headed towards the very inspiring long houses which mostly look like upside down Viking ship’s

Here be Badgers!

It was a mixed bag for the Wild Ways Well groups last week, the Tuesday group was forced indoors by the heavy rain and freezing conditions, while the Thursday group spent part of its session basking in the sunshine in a woodland clearing! Mother Nature likes keeping us guessing. Looking at my diary, last year at this time we were

First Impressions

Two months ago, I became a Volunteer Officer for Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s Wild Ways Well Project. Having recently moved to the central belt from Galloway, I knew very little about Cumbernauld other than it was a built up New Town. So you can imagine my joy when I learned that 50% of the town centre is made up of green

Wild Ways Wildlife Detectives

The Wild Ways Wildlife Detective Agency was out in Seafar woods last week, inspecting the woods for signs of what other inhabitants might be sharing our space with us. No detective force on the planet can run without a brew though so we stopped first to get a cuppa on the go.  Just ask Scotland yard, all detective work is

Putting the Wild in Wild Ways Well

Wild Ways Well. What’s in a name? I’m sure everyone out there will agree that it positively trips off the tongue (you trying saying it a dozen times while giving a presentation and see how long it takes to get tongue tied!), but did we just pick the name because of the snazzy alliteration? Or is – as many people

Some Wild Ways Well firsts

It was a busy time for Wild Ways Well last week, with three sessions on the go, I can’t really call it hard work with a clean conscience though, it really just meant more chances to be outside! The first two groups spent their time down in the Glen, having a go at some forest skills and learning about the

Wild Ways Well in the snow

    A bit of a mixed time for Wild Ways Well over the last week with the weather playing its hand as the Beast from the East continued to make its presence felt. The Tuesday group had some training booked in where we were going to learn how to film our own nature based story, unfortunately the weather put

A little compassion – and lots of tea

Anti-depressants are good for you! That was pretty much the message that was being blared out by the newspaper headlines last week after the publication of a major new study into their use was published. The truth is – you won’t be surprised to hear – a little more complicated than that! The actual results of the meta-analysis conducted were

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?  The Wild Ways Well group were out looking for Dingle-Dangles in the woods of Cumbernauld this Thursday… That’s not as dodgy as it sounds! Dingle-Dangles, Snow Piercer, Fair Maids of February, Little Sisters of the Snow, Milk Flowers, White Ladies, Hope’s Flower, Death’s Flower, Candlemass Bells… all mean the same thing, snowdrops.   The scientific name