We’re hiring – Creating Natural Connections – Trainee

Title: Trainee Status: Fixed term for 9 months (35 hours per week) Salary: £9.30 per hour (Real Living Wage) Location: Cumbernauld Closing date: 12 noon, Tuesday 13 October 2020 The Creating Natural Connections project has an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated person to take up a traineeship through this inspiring community project.  Here you will learn how to work

Go exploring

Although I’m not a local I’ve been working in Cumbernauld’s parks and wildlife reserves for several years now and I’ve come to know them pretty well. Imagine my surprise last week when I took a slightly different route from normal while I was out walking and came across somewhere completely new! At Cumbernauld Living Landscape one of our aims is

Wild about wildflowers

Late summer is a great time to spot wildflowers. Many plants use the time when days are still warm and light is still plentiful to put on their best displays of colour, working in symbiosis with pollinators to create breath-taking sights out in the parks and wildlife reserves. Cumbernauld has many great places to see wildflowers, Ravenswood, Luggiebank and St

Helping Cumbernauld’s amazing bogs

Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s amazing volunteers are out once again helping to manage and improve local greenspaces. You might even have seen our Nature Ninjas in Ravenswood Local Nature Reserve last week, working away in the blazing sunshine. Our first task was improving the access ways around the park. This included cutting back some of the over-hanging long grass and the

Making Greenspaces We Can Share

Throughout lockdown it was a common quote that ‘we were all in this together’ and that Covid-19 affected everyone equally. But it wasn’t equal. I’m lucky enough to live in a house with a garden. Lucky enough to have time to spend in it when things got too tough, when fear and emotion threatened to overwhelm me. It is easy

The world under your feet!

Local resident Kate Fromings has written this guest blog about the world living under your feet.  Here’s a fun way to connect with nature, whatever your age. You just need half an hour, a pencil and some paper! If you enjoy doing this activity, we suggest using a notepad so you can regularly keep track of your findings. Choose an

Turning inside out

So, I don’t know about you, but I am personally sick of shielding! I have learned that in these past few months being outside has a level of importance to me that I took for granted. Lack of exercise and that feeling of freedom of movement have left me sore and in low mood. It is not natural to stay

Weird Cumbernauld place names

Local resident Kate Fromings has written this guest blog about the weird origins of place names in Cumbernauld   ©Kate Fromings – Crags at Walton Burn   ©Kate Fromings – Luggie Water   Have you ever heard a strange word and wondered how it came to be used? In nature we find that words are often passed down from our

Our volunteers are back in the outdoors!

We are delighted to announce that our volunteer groups are heading back outdoors! These groups will be operating at a reduced capacity with social distance checks to follow current Covid-19 guidelines. We aim to carry out vital tasks in the community – litter picks, invasive species removal and path maintenance. Our volunteers are ecstatic at the possibility of heading back