A little compassion – and lots of tea

Anti-depressants are good for you! That was pretty much the message that was being blared out by the newspaper headlines last week after the publication of a major new study into their use was published. The truth is – you won’t be surprised to hear – a little more complicated than that! The actual results of the meta-analysis conducted were

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?  The Wild Ways Well group were out looking for Dingle-Dangles in the woods of Cumbernauld this Thursday… That’s not as dodgy as it sounds! Dingle-Dangles, Snow Piercer, Fair Maids of February, Little Sisters of the Snow, Milk Flowers, White Ladies, Hope’s Flower, Death’s Flower, Candlemass Bells… all mean the same thing, snowdrops.   The scientific name

The toast of Cumbernauld

Did you know that today is National Toast Day? You might be wondering where Cumbernauld Living Landscape stands on the great debates about whether to cut toast horizontally, diagonally or not at all, or if a dropped slice of toast will always land butter side down. But surely the most important issue is how do we make sure we can

Making memories

Over the past few weeks Cumbernauld Living Landscape has been holding consultations to find out the aspirations of groups and the barriers that stop people from using our local woods and wild places to help us develop our Natural Connections project. We’ve met with people who have a passion for their town, and those who are new to the area

Wild Ways Well Returns

Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s Wild Ways Well project is back! Thanks to backing from the Green Infrastructure Fund and Transport Scotland we’ll be offering a brand new programme of walks and conservation activities, and of course the essential cup of tea brewed over an outdoor kettle, throughout 2018. Our free Thursday afternoon sessions are open to anyone who feels they might

Conservation day at Luggiebank Wood

We are very excited to be heading out to Luggiebank Wood Wildlife Reserve for a spot of conservation work at the weekend. This is a wee gem looked after by the Scottish Wildlife Trust located just behind the train station at Greenfaulds. It is the Trust’s smallest reserve in Cumbernauld but what it lacks in size it makes up for

Consultation for Cumbernauld Green Route

A new route to improve the link between Abronhill and the town centre through Kildrum and Carbrain is being proposed and the local community are invited to have their say at a special consultation event next month. Cumbernauld Living Landscape and Central Scotland Green Network Trust (CSGNT) have been working for the last two years with community partners to develop

Frost Beards

Sometimes you find beauty in the strangest places. Last Sunday was spent out with the Nature Ninja Volunteers at St Maurice’s Pond, removing invasive rhododendron and litter picking. St Maurice’s Pond itself is a beautiful place but you don’t normally get the best view of it while patrolling with a bin bag. On this occasion keeping our eyes to the

Not so fantastic plastic

If you’re a nature lover like me then you were probably glued to your TV during Blue Planet 2. The new findings from this series have been incredible, from attaching cameras to whale-sharks to help find where they give birth to their pups, to the first ever footage of an amazing fish that preys on seabirds. However, the last show