National Lottery support will help us create new connections

Cumbernauld Living Landscape has received a transformational grant of £1,375,000 from the National Heritage Lottery Fund for its new Creating Natural Connections initiative. This funding will deliver significant improvements to Cumbernauld’s environment over the next four years, and create a long-term change in the way the town’s people connect with nature. Thanks to support from players of the National Lottery

This is not the time to follow resolutions

A nature follower would tell you that the first of January is not a special day as it doesn’t follow a natural rhythm. Likewise, astrologers often advise to set intentions at the spring equinox when the energies are kick-starting again. We can set up New Year intentions if that makes us feel good, BUT we still do not have the

Winter words from Wild Ways Well

I can’t help it. I always find beauty in nature, or rather it finds me! What has been soul-lifting these last weeks have been the skies! They were well worth stepping out of the path and away from the skyscrapers: dramatic and full of contrasts, from the darkest of the darker shades intermingled with different and lighter shades of greys,

‘Tis the season to be jolly?

‘Tis the Season to be jolly? for 19 December 2018 Paul Barclay, Community Networks Officer, Cumbernauld Living Landscape At this time of year the message that’s beamed into our homes and bombards us from every advertising channel is to smile, laugh, and be happy. But it’s often not that easy. For many people Christmas can be a tough time. The

Autumn is a time of change for everyone

You might not think that you are in tune with the seasons, but I wonder if you are finding it harder to get out of bed in recent weeks? Autumn is a time of withdrawal and of waning energy. As the light wanes there is no point for trees to grow any leaves and they wisely part with what they

The gully’s on Google

Thanks to the efforts of a local volunteer Cabrain gully can now be explored in Google Maps. Until recently many of the footpaths in Cumbernauld have not been visible on any of the online mapping websites. This means that it looks like there is nowhere to walk and you have to drive everywhere. Anyone who has spent at least 5

Bugworts arrives at St Maurice’s Pond

This Saturday sees the first ever visit from Bugworts Academy of Witches, Warlocks and Wacky Wildlife and we are soooooo excited.  The tickets have been snapped up quicker than you can say Sellius Oootius with additional slots being added due to demand. Potential students and families will begin their visit to Prof. Mini Bugonnagal Hunter’s office for registration before exploring

Bugworts comes to St Maurice’s Pond this Hallowe’en

Recently Alba Scoticus, headteacher of Bugworts Academy of Witches, Warlocks and Wacky Wildlife, got in touch and asked if we would like to host an event at North Lanarkshire Council’s St Maurice’s Pond this year as there is a magical connection to the water and woodlands of the site. Well we jumped at the chance! For the past few years

Autumn is a time of change

I love autumn. We get to see the trees and plants prepare themselves for winter by drawing down the energy they have spent spring and summer creating. This energy transfers back to the roots, discarding the leaves once it is reabsorbed. It is this process which gives us the multi-coloured hues of autumn. Autumn reminds me of childhood days spend

A swift break

You may have read that we submitted an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for our new project. We will hear in December if we are successful. Following the submission I headed out to Lanzarote for a break. Now you may be wondering what my holiday had to do with wildlife or Cumbernauld Living Landscape, but stay with me here.