Bugworts arrives at St Maurice’s Pond

This Saturday sees the first ever visit from Bugworts Academy of Witches, Warlocks and Wacky Wildlife and we are soooooo excited.  The tickets have been snapped up quicker than you can say Sellius Oootius with additional slots being added due to demand. Potential students and families will begin their visit to Prof. Mini Bugonnagal Hunter’s office for registration before exploring

The chilling bite of Autumn

Had to dig the winter jacket out the cupboard the other night, boy was it chilly! A crisp autumn evening with clear skies and a smattering of stars heralded the need for gloves, a hat and a hot drink when I returned from my walk. It got me thinking of how wildlife copes with such changes of temperature and the

Bugworts comes to St Maurice’s Pond this Hallowe’en

Recently Alba Scoticus, headteacher of Bugworts Academy of Witches, Warlocks and Wacky Wildlife, got in touch and asked if we would like to host an event at North Lanarkshire Council’s St Maurice’s Pond this year as there is a magical connection to the water and woodlands of the site. Well we jumped at the chance! For the past few years

Celebrating our Wild Ways Well participants

Last week the Wild Ways Well Thursday group embarked upon our first ever celebration trip with a sense of trepidation. It was in the aftermath of Storm Ali so there was much checking of the weather reports in the run up as we prepared to set off to the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Loch Ardinning reserve, just north of Glasgow. Although we

Autumn is a time of change

I love autumn. We get to see the trees and plants prepare themselves for winter by drawing down the energy they have spent spring and summer creating. This energy transfers back to the roots, discarding the leaves once it is reabsorbed. It is this process which gives us the multi-coloured hues of autumn. Autumn reminds me of childhood days spend

Three cheers for young volunteers

Last week we were back at the Scottish Parliament for an event hosted by the Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf. It was in honour of Police Scotland’s Youth Volunteers, an organisation that has an active presence in Cumbernauld. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was there to hear the testimonies of the young people, their adult instructors and our very own Tracy Lambert,

A swift break

You may have read that we submitted an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for our new project. We will hear in December if we are successful. Following the submission I headed out to Lanzarote for a break. Now you may be wondering what my holiday had to do with wildlife or Cumbernauld Living Landscape, but stay with me here.

Summer Days

After the warm weather in early summer you might be forgiven for thinking autumn had arrived early recently. It’s been a topsy-turvy year weather wise and there’s no doubt that some parts of nature are as confused as I am. Early summer plants like cowslips are coming back into flower over recent weeks and I’m still seeing breeding behaviour going

Fabulous Foraging

As we start to approach the end of summer we’re entering one of the traditional times for foraging amazing, healthy food in the outdoors. Over the last while the Wild Ways Well groups have been trying our hand at this ancient past-time and seeing what’s on the menu around Cumbernauld. One of our first attempts was actually our most complex,

Wasps… what are they good for?

It’s that time of year again. You might be enjoying a picnic, eating your lunch in the town centre, or relaxing with a cup of tea in the garden. Before long you’ll catch sight of the dreaded black and yellow stripes of a wasp coming to see what you’re up to. A question we’re often asked at this time of