Frosts, fires and foxes – what a way to start a new job!

by Katie Brown, Cumbernauld Natural Connections Trainee For those of you who don’t yet know me, hello, I’m Katie and I’m the new Creating Natural Connections trainee at Cumbernauld Living Landscape. I have lived in Cumbernauld my entire life and in this new role I hope to inspire my local community and learn something new every day. I’m only one

Nature Ninjas keeping paths to nature open for everyone

At such a tough time for everyone, it is important to connect with green spaces.  These connections have been shown, in countless studies, to improve mental health. It is therefore imperative that access to green spaces remains easy and unobstructed.  These are some of Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s guiding principles. We continue to operate our “Nature Ninja” volunteer groups in these

Fabulous Fungi!

Local resident and Cumbernauld Living Landscape volunteer Josh Chambers,  has been out and about in Cumbernauld’s fantastic green spaces again and has found some fabulous fungi! On an early morning walk I stumbled across these tiny toadstools. I am not able to tell what kind they are or anything like that, but I can appreciate them. I can appreciate that

Scythers in the wild!

Our volunteers have been hard at work again!  If you have been out and about experiencing Cumbernauld’s amazing green spaces you might have spotted some peculiar folk in high-vis vests wielding scythes!  Do not be alarmed (although make sure you observe ample social distancing to avoid an impromptu scythed haircut). These are our amazing volunteers wielding these macabre tools. This

Choo, Choo, this Trainee is leaving the Station!

On 4 September 2019 I officially joined Cumbernauld Living Landscape and as I sit here writing this its hard not to be emotional. How do you reflect on one of the most pivotal times in your life? Let’s try. Three years ago, poop lying on the ground was something to be avoided, now it’s a thing of marvel and intrigue

Wild about wildflowers

Late summer is a great time to spot wildflowers. Many plants use the time when days are still warm and light is still plentiful to put on their best displays of colour, working in symbiosis with pollinators to create breath-taking sights out in the parks and wildlife reserves. Cumbernauld has many great places to see wildflowers, Ravenswood, Luggiebank and St

Helping Cumbernauld’s amazing bogs

Cumbernauld Living Landscape’s amazing volunteers are out once again helping to manage and improve local greenspaces. You might even have seen our Nature Ninjas in Ravenswood Local Nature Reserve last week, working away in the blazing sunshine. Our first task was improving the access ways around the park. This included cutting back some of the over-hanging long grass and the

Our volunteers are back in the outdoors!

We are delighted to announce that our volunteer groups are heading back outdoors! These groups will be operating at a reduced capacity with social distance checks to follow current Covid-19 guidelines. We aim to carry out vital tasks in the community – litter picks, invasive species removal and path maintenance. Our volunteers are ecstatic at the possibility of heading back

If you go down to the meadows today

The Cumbernauld Living Landscape team are gradually getting back out to visit some greenspaces in Cumbernauld. Tracy, our Project Officer for Young People visited St Maurice’s Pond recently and was amazed at how much the meadow was thriving! There’s such a diverse range of plant species to be found including knapweed, yellow rattle and birds foot trefoil. Benefiting from these